Our Actions
Studies and research

Development of research programms to prepare for caretaking of the elderly
- Leading, coordinating, and contributing to research projects
- Scientific support of the institutions
Studies and evaluations in order to answer to specific local or territorial issues
- Editing literary reviews, benchmarks, and continuous control.
- Evaluation of experiments for innovative solutions.
- Consultancy and supporting our partners.
Our studies and research programms
Research programms
- ICE (Informal Carers of the Elderly)
- Avoidable hospital care
- Research on malnutrition in EHPADs
- RENESSENS (Réussir Écologiquement une Nutrition Équilibrée et Sensoriellement Adaptée pour Senior / Achieving a Balanced and Sensorial Diet ADAPTED TO THE Elderly)
- Animal therapy
- Senior’Act
- Etc.
- Community housing projects
- Caring housing for elderly
- Intergenerational and intelligent test sites
- Accommodation diagnostic specifications
- Homecare for persons with neuro-degenerative conditions
- Sleep reference framework
- Study on the attractiveness of accomodation for the elderly
- Study on non-drug interventions in accomodation for the elderly
- Study on the health needs of retired caregivers in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
- Mobility and Living Together Survey
- Study on digital innovations in Nursing Home
- Prospective study on personalized home autonomy allowance
- Study of the opportunity of support for caregivers
- Study on male under-attendance of the prevention offer
- Etc.
- Modules for sleep enhancement
- Explanations on retirement
- DIVAS (Dispositif de Veille et d’Accompagnement Social / Service for Social and Continuous control)
- Evaluation of the elderly’s health pathway (PAERPA)
- Impact assessment of the AILES experiment "deployment of home automation solutions in Grand Autunois Morvan"
- Evaluation of the GIE IMPA Hospital Discharge System
- Evaluation of an urbain fitness trail for seniors
- Evaluation of an inclusive housing model
- Evaluation of tele-occupational therapy experiments
- Living Lab evaluator of an innovation in digital mediation
- Etc.
Silver economy

Supporting the development of economics
- Being the interface between businesses and researchers.
- Working together with businesses in the market for needs of the elderly.
- Mobilising the network of partners to build the silver economy.
Our silver economy actions
Businesses and researchers interface
- Scientific evaluation of silver economy solutions
- Coordination of public-private research-action
- Etc.
Working together with businesses
- Training for partners in economics
- Mobilisation of experimental works
- Living labs
- Opportunities research
- Evaluation of silver economy solutions
- VIVA Lab provider to test the projects
- Etc.
Structure of the silver economy
- Silver economy events
- Silver economy thematics
- Opportunities for the elderly
- Member of France Silver Eco
- Member silver economy national council
- Stakeholder Erudite
- VIVA Lab BFC group leader
- https://aer-bfc.com/temoignages/interview-de-juliette-duraffourg-chef-de-projet-au-pole-de-gerontologie-et-dinnovation-de-bourgogne-franche-comte-pgi
- Etc.
Training and prevention

Development of training programmes
- Analysis of public and local authority needs.
- Design and deployment of training and interventions.
- Mobilize training as a vector of prevention
Developing actions and tools for prevention
- Leading innovative actions.
- Experimentation and evaluation.
- Contributing to the evolution of global prevention and loss of autonomy.

Well being in accomodation for the elderly
Nursing home prevention programm
Financed by
In partnership with
Our training and prevention programmes
- National programme for training personnel for the EBAD (Evaluation of Homecare Services)
- D.U Social evaluation of the autonomy of the elderly at home
- Coordination of the APSE (Animation Professionalisation Structure d’Évaluation / Training evaluation structure network
- Training engineering
- Thematic interventions for healthcare, welfare, and social care professionals
- Thematic interventions for the retired, families, and caregivers
- « PAERPA » Doubs and Nord Franche-Comté training
- National training system to prevent risks at home
- National system to assess and identify fragility
- Etc.
- OMEGAH (Well-being and accommodation for the Elderly) programme
- Sleep workshops and conferences
- Welfare guarantees
- Self-confidence workshops and discussions
- Suicide prevention for the elderly
- Conferences on depression
- Conferences on hearing
- Adapted accommodation discussions
- Digital mediation workshops
- Conference and workshops on emotional and sexual life
- « Seniors and addictions » meeting cycle
- Symposium on non-pharmacological alternatives in nursing home
- EHPAD’ONS nous festival
- Living Lab of prospective nursing homes
- Etc.
Territorial action

Territorial connections
- Supporting local authorities or various entities.
- Coordinating proximity partners.
- Valuing local projects.

JNA (Journée Nationale des Aidants / National day for informal carers) 2021 in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Exhibition Caring and Loving
Raise general public and professionals awareness of the caregivers’ daily life
Financed by the regional health agency of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté within the framework of the PMND, by the social action of d’AG2R La Mondiale BFC and by the GIE IMPA

EHPAD’EZ VOUS Exhibition
Disseminate art and live shows to audiences who are often far from it. Make nursing homes professionals aware of the value of cultural action in these accommodations.
Financed by Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Regional agency and AG2R LA MONDIALE Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, in partnership with Côté Cour for artistic direction and inspired by the Fondation I2ML initiative.

Our actions in the region
- Meetings and discussions
- Large audience thematic conferences
- JNA (National Day for informal carers)
- Departmental and regional discussions
- Medical and social care democratic activities
- Exhibition « Caring and loving »
- Coordination of territories supporting informal carers
- Member of the RFVAA (Réseau Francophone des Villes Amies des Aînés / French Speaking Network of Friendly Towns for the Elderly)
- Manager of the "Je t'Aide" association
- EHPAD’EZ Vous Exhibition
- Etc.