Our members

The deliberative bodies

PGI members

Director board members

Manager board members

User representatives

Founding members

Members of the Board of Directors Members of the Board of Managers

HolderFrancis LEBELLE (Délégué général)

Substitute(s) Nathalie MOORE

Members of the Board of Directors Members of the Board of Managers

HolderThierry GAMOND-RIUS

Substitute(s) Emmanuelle PIDOUX SIMONIN (Trésorière)

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderFreddy SERVEAUX

Substitute(s) Didier RICHARD

Members of the Board of Directors


Members of the Board of Directors

HolderVincent THOMAS

Substitute(s) Alexis DE ROUGEMONT

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderMacha WORONOFF

Substitute(s) Magalie BONNET

Ex Officio members


Members of the Board of Directors

HolderAgnès RAMILLON

Substitute(s) Béatrice JOLY

HolderCatherine JEANTET

Substitute(s) Karine PIROUELLE

HolderJean-Marie LE BRETTON

Substitute(s) Sébastien MOREL

HolderCorinne SPELLAT

HolderMartial VUILLEMIN

Substitute(s) Aldo NUCIT

HolderMickaël CARRE

Substitute(s) Mickaël BRIQUET

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderJoachim TAVARES

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderLaurent DESCHAMPS

Substitute(s) Renaud GAUDILLIERE et Benjamin GOIZET

Members of the Board of Directors Members of the Board of Managers

HolderBlandine ALGLAVE (secrétaire)

Substitute(s) Walter BOBLIN

HolderMarc BOUDOT

Substitute(s) Sylvie BOUDOT

HolderClément BLANCHARD

Substitute(s) Yannis KSANTINI

HolderFrédéric MAMES

Substitute(s) Victor PIERCHON

HolderCatherine LEMAIRE

Substitute(s) Frédérique BELMELI

HolderAlain MONTEUX

Substitute(s) Amaury MERLIN

Caring elderly

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderLionel PARRIAUX

Substitute(s) Anne-Sophie COUPET


Representatives of the users

HolderPhilippe RACLET

HolderAlain PICARD

Substitute(s) Alain PACQUIT

HolderGuillaume DUCOLOMB

Substitute(s) Dr Sophie MICHELI

HolderStéphane FILIPOVITCH

Substitute(s) Hugo EBERSPECHER

HolderMireille PACAUD-TRICOT

Substitute(s) Patrice MARTINEL et Priscille REMOND

HolderOlivier SALTARELLI

Substitute(s) Jade EPISTOLIN

HolderMaryline BOVEE

Substitute(s) Christian CECCHETANI

HolderDominique COMPAIN

Substitute(s) Béatrice MASSON

HolderLoic GRALL

Substitute(s) Vincent GAY


Substitute(s) Philippe LEVACHER

HolderPatrick GENRE

Substitute(s) Denis VALZER et Cyrille POLITI

Members of the Board of Directors Representatives of the users

HolderPhilippe GOLL

Substitute(s) Michel DASRIAUX

Representatives of the users

HolderEdith TROCME

Substitute(s) Monique DUFOUR

Representatives of the users

HolderPaul ARTHAUD

HolderDominique BOSSONG

Substitute(s) Pierre BONNEVIE

Members of the Board of Directors Members of the Board of Managers

HolderThomas JOUANNET

Substitute(s) Pierre ALIXANT (secrétaire adjoint)

HolderDavid DA TREZA

Substitute(s) Stéphanie PARRIAUX-BARBIER

HolderMarie-Geneviève THEVENIN

Substitute(s) Aline VOISIN

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderJean-Michel RICARD

Substitute(s) Pierre PICARD

HolderFrançoise TENENBAUM

Substitute(s) Estelle CHARY

HolderYoussef LOUIZI

HolderLoic DUBOIS

Substitute(s) Olivier TERRADE

HolderFrançois MARTI

Substitute(s) Catherine SERRE

HolderFrancis NARGAUD

HolderLucie GRAS

Substitute(s) Mikael CHAPRON

Institutional players and trainings & research organizations

HolderFrédérique DECHERF

Substitute(s) Eric LEVASSEUR

HolderFrédéric BESACIER

Substitute(s) Nadine FRESSE

HolderMathieu AUFAUVRE

Substitute(s) Franck TAQUI et Cécile OBERON

Representatives of the users

HolderAhmed ZEHAF

Substitute(s) Christiane MAINIER

Representatives of the users

HolderPaul FLEUROT

Substitute(s) Eveline MAMATH et Alain DERMENJIAN

HolderTatiana DESMAREST

Members of the Board of Directors


Substitute(s) Jean-Luc GALLET

HolderMarie-Catherine EHLINGER

HolderJean-François MACAIGNE et Anne MORAT

Substitute(s) Anne-Sophie ARDISSON TERRADE

HolderFrédéric STENGER

Substitute(s) Patricia CHAUVEZ-SIOURD

HolderCharline ROGER

Substitute(s) Aurélie PHILIPPE

HolderArmelle RUTKOWSKI

Substitute(s) Magali CHERVET

Members of the Board of Directors Members of the Board of Managers

HolderMarie-Agnès CUDREY-VIEN

Substitute(s) Emmanuel FAIVRE et Raphael REMONNAY

HolderBruno HERRY

Substitute(s) Solène LAGRANGE

HolderJacques FERRAND

Substitute(s) Geoffroy ANTONIETTI

HolderMatthieu MONCOLLIN

Substitute(s) Anne-Claire DOREY

HolderChristophe BERION

HolderPierre BESSE

Substitute(s) Isabelle MILLOT

HolderCorinne RONCARI

Substitute(s) Olivier NOUVELOT

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderImad SFEIR

HolderChristophe RUELLAN

HolderGhislain MONTAVON

Substitute(s) Jean-Claude SAGOT

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderFrançois-Xavier DUGOURD

Substitute(s) Fanny JACQUOT

HolderDominique MIELLE

Substitute(s) Marie-Jo BOURCIER

Local authorities

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderMarie-Guite DUFAY

Substitute(s) Francine CHOPARD

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderAnne VIGNOT

Substitute(s) Gilles SPICHER

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderFrançois REBSAMEN

Substitute(s) Lydie PFANDER-MENY

Members of the Board of Directors Members of the Board of Managers

HolderFrançois REBSAMEN

Substitute(s) Françoise TENENBAUM (Présidente)

Members of the Board of Directors

HolderChristine BOUQUIN

Substitute(s) Denis LEROUX

HolderAndré ACCARY

Substitute(s) Nicolas ROTIVAL

Members of the Board of Directors Members of the Board of Managers

HolderAnne VIGNOT

Substitute(s) Christian MAGNIN-FEYSOT (Vice-Président)

HolderDavid MARTI

HolderMarie-Claude BARNAY

Substitute(s) Monique GATIER

Qualified persons

Members of the Board of Directors Representatives of the users

Françoise CHAGRIN

Union territoriale des retraités CFDT du Doubs

Advisory bodies

Strategy committee

The strategy committee assists the Director board in building the work programme and follow-up of financed projects. It also takes part in the PGI strategic development. It contributes to the quantitative and quality evaluation of the PGI projects progress for the contracted objectives with the financers and gives an opinion with recommendations to improve the durability of the projects in view of the strategies and objectives of the financers. It contributes to the evaluation and reinforcement of the harmony PGI projects of the PGI with the expected needs for the elderly in line with the PGI ethical values and offers solutions that contribute to a better knowledge and consideration of these needs and expectations, and their development.

Scientific commitee

The scientific committee assists the Director board in defining the PGI scientific policies. It supports the technical team, the PGI members and their partners, to increase their knowledge in the domain of gerontology. It also facilitates the access to expert research resources and the distribution of protocols and the results of research programms from PGI partners. The scientific committee provides consultancy advice and recommendations to guarantee quality, coherence and ethics of the PGI development and innovation strategies.

  • Professeur Pierre ANCET

    Senior Lecturer in the Philosophy of Science at the "Laboratoire Centre Georges Chevrier, Université de Bourgogne, France", Vice-President Appointed Representative for Culture Policies at the Université de Bourgogne, France, and President of the UTB (Université pour Tous / University for Everybody).

  • Pr. Régis AUBRY

    Pôle autonomie handicap du CHU de Besançon, Professeur associé des universités (CNU 4605 épistémologie - médecine palliative)

  • Pr. Yannick BEJOT

    Professeur de Neurologie, UFR Sciences Santé Dijon, Université de Bourgogne, Chef du Service Hospitalo-Universitaire de Neurologie, CHU Dijon Bourgogne, Vice-Président du Directoire du CHU Dijon Bourgogne en charge de la Recherche

  • Members of the Board of Directors

    Professeure Magalie BONNET

    Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology Laboratory EA 3188 at the Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France.

  • Members of the Board of Directors

    Pr. Patrick MANCKOUNDIA

    Head of the Elderly centre, Ward Manager for in-patients in Geriatrics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Dijon, France, INSERM unit U 1093, Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France.

  • Professor France MOUREY

    university Professor, INSERM Laboratory 1093, Cognition, Action, motor-function sensitivity and plasticity, Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France, Head of Science at the 'Espace Marey', Vice-President of the 'Gérontopole (Geriatrics Centre) Pierre Pfitzenmeyer, Founding member of the Ethics and Reflexion Centre at the Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France.

  • Sophie MONNIER

    Maître de Conférences HDR en Droit public à l'Université de Bourgogne Rattachée au laboratoire CREDESPO

  • Pr Virginie NERICH

    Pharmacist, Senior university Lecturer at the Besançon UFR, France, Hospital General Practitioner at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Besançon, France.

  • Professor Jean-Claude SAGOT

    University Professor in Ergonomics, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, France, Head of the ERCOS Centre at the Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France.

  • Professor Pierre VANDEL

    Head of the Psychiatrics Ward for Adults at the CHU de Besançon, France - CIC - 1431, INSERM EA 481, Integrative Neuroscience and clinics at the Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France, President of the French-Speaking World Society of Psycho-Geriatrics for the Elderly, SF3PA.

  • Dr Virginie VAN WYMELBEKE

    Chercheure Hospitalier CHU Dijon Bourgogne F. Mitterrand, Pôle Personnes Âgées, centre gériatrique Champmaillot, Dijon, chercheure attachée au Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CSGA), Equipe INRAe « Déterminants du comportement alimentaire au cours de la vie, relations avec la santé », Dijon

  • Pr Virginie Vinel

    Professor of sociology and anthropology at the Laboratory of Sociology and Anthropology (EA 3189), University of Franche-Comté

Experts groups

Each year, work program’s projects mobilise groups of experts among PGI Members that are extended to other partners. In 2020, eighteen advisory bodies dedicated to projects’ development met regularly.

Focus group 1
Research, innovation, development of economics

  • ICE Management group
  • FRAGIRE experts group
  • Local coordination of Silver Autonomie of the VivaLab cluster
  • GEOHDE Management group
  • Steering commitee for the regional event on non-pharmacological alternatives in accomodation for the elderly
  • Management group for the evaluation of an hospital discharge system
  • ICOPE NACRE operational commitee
  • Management group of the study prior to the deployment of collective actions for caregivers

Focus group 2
Transfer of skills, exchange of good practices, training

  • D.U ESAPAD (Social evaluation of the autonomy of the elderly at home) management group
  • OMEGAH (Well-being in Accommodation for the Elderly) management group
  • OMEGAH (Well-being in Accommodation for the Elderly) operational committee
  • OMEGAH (Well-being in Accomodation for the Elderly) evaluation committee
  • JNA organisational committee
  • SCNF Social Action Steering Committee
  • « PAERPA training » Steering Committee »
  • Home risk training management committee
  • INDI BFC evaluator Living lab

Silver economy regional commitee

Created in April 2021, the Burgundy-Franche-Comté silver economy regional committee brings together diverse and complementary players so that the challenges and opportunities linked to demographic aging contribute as strongly as possible to regional economic development and local employment dynamics.