About PGI

The PGI is a leader in gerontology innovation: a network with a variety and multi-functional partners (over 70 members companies) together with an expert technical team engaged in the improvment of life quality for the elderly and their inclusion in an age friendly society.
It includes top of the range knowledge in the production of services and products that go further for the satisfaction of the elderly, their families, and their carers, and that also contribute to the development of policies that concern them.
The objective of the centre: improve life quality for the elderly still living at home, in institutions or under hospital care, by developing research and innovation with a transversal approach to ageing and the creation of synergies and coordination of the gerontology partners. The PGI is a member of the European Convention for Demographics Transition (EU Covenant on Demographic Change).
Our ambitions
Federating partners
The PGI wishes to federate all of its various members around commun values. Amongst its many members, there are large industrial groups and Small to Medium Sized companies, research laboratories, Higher Education establishments, institutions, local authorities, healthcare professionals, associations for caregiving at home, user associations, establishments for care of the elderly, establishments in connection with gerontology, and all of the gerontology partners that wish to be involved with the PGI objectives.
All of our members are regrouped in 6 colleges. They work together in groups of experts, work committees and project development groups.
Developing expertise
Our activities are focused on a multi-year strategic work program. We concentrate strengths and abilities to the benefit of innovation and specific applications in health, medical-social care, sociology, and economics.
Research, innovation, and the development of economics

Identifying and assessing frailty of retirees without disability
Transfer of skills, exchange of good practices, training.

Nursing home prevention programm
Our collaborations
Our members meet regularly for three forms of deliberations: the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Board of Managers, in order to forecast and make strategic decisions for the associative projects. Several other consultancy committees also meet regularly, scientific consultants, strategy committees, and a groups of experts that enable the contribution of supplementary partners with their specific scientific knowledge and rigour for leading different projects.
PGI President
Françoise Tenenbaum

PGI Vice-President
Christian Magnin-Feysot

Scientific Consultancy President
Professeur France Mourey

Membership charter
Together, the members and the personnel ensure the following:
- Respecting the PGI values in favour of multidisciplinary approach and strengthen coordination between health and social care all the while respecting the different cultures of the elderly and the development of preventative care.
- The development and valuation of research and innovation in the field of transversal gerontology with the aim of supporting the local economy.
- Developing training and the transfer of skills to all of the partners working on site.
- High quality service with continuous control, projects submitted to a scientific consultancy, access to information, and training with continuous evaluation.
- Customisation and adaptation of our services for the development of our partner's needs.

The technical team
Jérôme Narcy
Direct telephone line: 07 68 12 89 51
Coordinatrice administrative et financière
Carole Chardon
Direct telephone line: 03 80 37 16 23
Chargé de communication
Louis Riebel
Mobile phone: 07 69 47 91 88
Assistante de la gouvernance Union des Gérontopôles de France
Maryse Joseph
Mobile phone: 07 68 51 70 47
Project Manager
Juliette Duraffourg
Mobile phone: 07 68 35 16 29
Project Manager
Associate Professor in Sociology
Isabelle Moesch
Mobile phone: 07 68 44 85 43
Responsable prévention-parcours
Camille Cholez
Mobile phone: 07 68 68 79 39
Project Manager
PhD in Sociology
Clémence Quibel
Mobile phone: 07 68 34 03 45
Chef de projets
Quentin Grillet
Mobile phone: 07 69 62 38 94
Chef de projets
Dilan Job
Mobile phone: 07 59 60 21 15
Project leader
Sarah Mazard
Mobile phone: 06 51 38 18 17
Cheffe de projets
Elsa Morier
Mobile phone: 07 68 54 11 48
Chargée de missions
Margot Brisson
Mobile phone: 07 68 77 03 03
Stagiaire - M2 santé publique Université de Lorraine
Céline Perini
Mobile phone: 07 68 64 99 37